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Tuesday, 24 September 2024
PharmaCampus A.100.001 (CIP-Raum)PharmaCampus PhC 315 (Seminarraum 3)PharmaCampus PhC 114 (Seminarraum 1)PharmaCampus PhC 117 (Mikroskopiersaal)PharmaCampus PhC 10 (großer Hörsaal)PharmaCampus PhC 222 (Seminarraum 2b)
(Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 1)
(Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 1)Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Andreas HenselNatural compounds as anti-virulence agents and in combination with antibiotics to combat multi-resistant pathogensSebastian Guenther
(Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, Foyer)
Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 2Castle of Münster/ Schloss Münster, AulaLecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 3Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 4Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 1
Session Chair: Chairs: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt, Dr. Verena SpieglerCombating uropathogenic E. coli: from natural products to new molecular targetsAndreas HenselFrom nature to drug discovery: Modification of the cannabinoid scaffold and CB receptor interactionsOliver KayserDeciphering the pharmacological potential of biogenic compounds in drug researchRobert FürstFollow-on products of pentosan polysulfate, but not the original drug substance activate contact system and generate the anaphylatoxin C5a similar to the heparin falsification OSCSMarie-Theres Tischhöfer Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Gregor FuhrmannUltrafast detection of pharmaceuticals in biological matrices using Coated Blade Spray Mass SpectrometryJosha JagerSustainability and green concepts in pharmaceutical nanoformulationsDagmar FischerTargeting virulence: Structure-guided development of pyocyanin inhibitors against Pseudomonas aeruginosaMoritz ZimmermannTargeting Bacterial Sliding Clamp for the Treatment of Gram-Positive Bacterial InfectionsGodfrey Mayoka Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Oliver Scherf-Clavel, Prof. Dr. Björn BurckhardtFrom Therapeutic Drug Monitoring to Model-Informed Precision Dosing for Anti-InfectivesSebastian G. WichaSuccessful implementation of a model-based Therapeutic Drug Monitoring framework within the ON-TARGET study: A first step towards precision dosing of oral anticancer drugsFenja KlimaMachine Learning algorithms for concentration prediction in anticancer drug therapy: Towards novel ap-proaches for individual dose adjustmentOlga TeplytskaMoxifloxacin in tuberculosis therapy: External pharmacometric model evaluation for Bayesian forecasting as a first step towards model-informed precision dosingEmily Behrens Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Klaus Langer, Prof. Dr. Philipp SeibSilk: old material new excipientPhilipp SeibDoes monograph compliance of pharmaceutical excipients ensure “fit for purpose” ?Dieter SchererMesoporous SiO2-based membranes with variable pore structure, geometry and chemical surface modification, for fine-tuned drug loading and release properties in transdermal drug deliveryFrank BaumannBiodynamer as a drug potentiatorSangeun Lee Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lehr, Prof. Dr. Bernhard WünschChemically stable diazo peptides: a new class of cellularly active hydrolase inhibitorsJörg RademannCovalency in enzyme inhibition: which warhead fits best?Tanja SchirmeisterCovalent inhibitors of human blood coagulation factors as new anticoagulant drugsDmitrii KalininLazarus Fragments: Resurrecting Mutants of the Incapacitated Tumor Suppressor p53 by SNAr-based WarheadsFrank Böckler
(Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, Foyer)
Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 2Castle of Münster/ Schloss Münster, AulaLecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 3Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 4Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 1
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Oliver Kayser, Prof. Dr. Timo NiedermeyerTumor microenvironment on-chip model for precision drug discovery in pancreatic cancerProf. Dr. Nicole TeuschMolecular dissection of natural product actions as antivirals against respiratory virusesEike-Roman HrinciusFrom ultrastructural morphology to a potential mechanism of action – The Atomic Force Microscope as innovative tool to evaluate anti-infective natural productsFabian HerrmannNew insights into the molecular mechanism of natural products against helminthiasisLuise Greiffer Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Hermann WätzigChallenges in the official testing of monoclonal antibodies in patient-specific preparationsNico BeerbaumAutoinjectors – A Multifaceted View on Critical to Mission Drug Devices from an Armed Forces Laboratory’s PerspectiveChristoph Ehrbar-SpangardtMono- and Multivalent Glycomimetics Targeting Dendritic Cells as Novel Tools for Infectious Diseases and CancerJonathan CramerNew insights from the inside – Novel approaches for the discovery of intracellular GPCR modulatorsMax E. Huber Session Chair: Dr. Reinhold Rößler, Dr. Susanne GriffithsMachine Learning and Artificial intelligence in drug discoveryAlexander KötterHow to manage when things go wrong in development: A Case StudySarah GoldOral Delivery of beyond Rule of 5 moleculesWouter Müllers Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Martina Düfer, Dr. Annika LüttjohannBeyond pacemaking: HCN channel functions in the sinoatrial nodeStefanie FenskeTargeting Slack (Kcnt1) potassium channels for treatment of histamine-independent itchAchim SchmidtkoEstablishing drug effects to fight the ictogenesis and epileptogenesis of absence epilepsy – The role of genetic rat modelsAnnika LüttjohannMetabolic stress shifts KCa3.1 channel function from an important physiological regulator of membrane potential to a proapoptotic factorJurek Hense Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Marcel Bermúdez, Prof. Dr. Oliver KochBridging Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Chemistry for Life ScienceMichael Edmund BeckLooking at the finer details of ligand:receptor interactionsPeter KolbStructure-based RNA-ligand design – chances & challengesChristian KerstenModulating ORF74 – Targeting the Viral GPCR of Human Herpesvirus 8Niklas Piet Doering
(Castle of Münster/ Schloss Münster)

With a welcome drink and fingerfood followed by an open evening.
Suggestions for restaurants nearby will be announced on the DPhG homepage.

Wednesday, 25 September 2024
(Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 1)Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Elke Oetjen, Prof. Dr. Martina DüferDiabetes, Metabolism and Infectious DiseaseStefan Bornstein
Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 2Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 1Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 4Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 3
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hensel, Dr. Fabian HerrmannHerbal Medicine to treat Tropical Infectious Diseases – “Old Hat” or New Hope?Thomas J. SchmidtFrom Deep Oceans to Egyptian Mummies – Artificial Intelligence Assisted Metabolomics for Natural Product Drug DiscoveryRaphael ReherCyanobacterial natural products – important environmental toxins and leads for drug substance developmentTimo H. J. NiedermeyerStudy of the prebiotic potential of Althaea officinalis L. root extract using the high throughput ex vivo technology SIFR®Pieter Van den AbbeeleGut microbiota - a new mechanism of action involved in the antidepressant effects of Hypericum perforatum?Maria Eleni Grafakou Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Joachim Jose, Prof. Dr. Bernhard WünschBifunctional chemical tools to probe reversible lysine acetylation and methylationManfred JungBitopic ligands for beta-adrenergic receptorsPeter GmeinerMulti target ligands for promoting inflammation resolutionOliver WerzE3 ligase hopping and more: development of covalent class I selective HDAC degraders with potent anticancer activityFelix FellerOrally Bioavailable RORγ/DHODH Dual Host-Targeting Small Molecules with Broad-Spectrum Antiviral ActivityAlexandra Herrmann Session Chair: Dr. Torsten Hoppe-Tichy, Prof. Dr. Anne Seidlitz3D printing of pharmaceuticals: the future of individualized medicine or just another hype?Julius KrauseImplementation of 3D-printing into a hospital’s closed-loop medication management systemAdrin DadkhahPrinted medicines in the hospital pharmacy – what matters?Anna HarjansIndividualized patient treatment – lipid based nanosuspensions as inks for pharmaceutical 2D-printingLena MahlbergInfluence of particle size on flowability and printability in a pharmaceutical 3D printerMelanie Sarah Karolin Aichinger Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Jaehde, Nadine MetzgerEvidenzbasierte Anwendung von Arzneimitteln in der Pädiatrie: Das KinderformulariumJulia Haering-ZahnEvidenz- und konsensbasierte Listen für eine sichere Arzneimitteltherapie im Alter: PRISCUS, FORTA & Co.Petra ThürmannEvidenzbasierte Selbstmedikation: EVINewsThilo BertscheInformationsbedarf von Patienten zu Arzneimitteln im Kontext von MedikationsanalysenIsabel WalteringEntwicklung eines Qualitätssicherungssystems für Medikationsanalysen in öffentlichen Apotheken (QuaMedA)Carolin Keip
Castle of Münster/ Schloss MünsterCastle of Münster/ Schloss Münster
(Castle of Münster/ Schloss Münster, Aula)Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Jaehde, Prof. Dr. Georg HempelDie Apotheke als ForschungsstandortKurt Hersberger
Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 4Castle of Münster/ Schloss Münster, AulaLecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 2

Programm „Netzwerktreffen der ATHINA-Apotheken“

  • Begrüßung und Vorstellungsrunde
  • Austausch zu folgenden Themen (World-Café):
    • Neue Perspektiven
      • Wie geht es weiter mit ATHINA?
      • Neue Formate für ATHINA-Apotheken?
      • Verbesserte Kommunikation mit Patient*innen
    • Schwarmintelligenz
      • Austausch und Wissenstransfer - Netzwerk
        • Medikationsberatung
        • Weitere pDL und Angebote von ATHINA-Apotheken
    • KI in der ATHINA-Apotheke
      • Was gibt es an Möglichkeiten
      • Sinnvolle Nutzung von KI bei der Medikationsberatung 
  • Vorstellung des Konzeptes der Forschenden Apotheken

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Jaehde

(Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, Foyer)
Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 2Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 4Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 3Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 1
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Axel Helmstädter, Prof. Dr. Tanja PommereningThe marketing turn and transoceanic production shift in the pharmaceutical industry (1960-2020)Toine PietersFree Access and Limited Success: Hemp, Hashish and Cannabis in Nineteenth Century GermanyUwe SpiekermannColonial tradition of OTC preparations: Umckaloabo, Uzara and othersAxel Helmstädter Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Denise Steiner, Dr. Jens BartschProcess design in continuous melt granulationTom LangContainment: How novel bench top systems allow the evaluation of dustiness during tabletingClaudia S. LeopoldCorrelation of excipient properties with optimal drug load in eutectic mixtures from polyethylene glycol stearates and fenofibratePeter SchlosserProcess optimization for spray-drying of PEI-/PPI-based nanoparticles for DNA or siRNA deliverySandra Noske Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Elke Oetjen, Prof. Dr. Stephan ScherneckDesigned Multitarget Ligands for Metabolic DiseasesEugen ProschakGlucose homeostasis during gestation: just a question of insulin?Stephan ScherneckMajor improvements induced by novel diabetes pharmacotherapiesAnnette SchürmannStudies on GLP-1 produced within the pancreas and its significance for the function and regulation of islets of LangerhansNina Klöpper Session Chair: Dr. Isabel Waltering, Prof. Dr. Georg HempelFrom living labs to academic networks: developments in Dutch pharmaceutical care researchLiset van DijkPharmaceutical care services – a current research perspectiveHanna SeidlingInvestigating the implementation of reimbursed Community Pharmacy Services in German Community PharmaciesAnn-Christin KrönertBuilding a nationwide safety net for oral antitumor therapy: Update from the cluster-randomized stepped-wedge SafetyFIRST trialLars Wismar
(Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 1)Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Klaus Langer, Prof. Dr. Philipp SeibInnovations in Predictive Drug Absorption: From Bench to BioequivalenceHannah Batchelor
(Atlantic Hotel Münster)
Thursday, 26 September 2024
(Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 1)Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wünsch
Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 4Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 3Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 1Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 2
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Dagmar Fischer, Prof. Dr. Henning BlumeHarmonisation of global bioequivalence standards - where do we stand?Henning BlumeDisintegration and dissolution of IR solid dosage forms in fed state media and influence of tablet excipientsPeter LangguthDo today's complex formulation strategies for poorly soluble drugs require a new way of thinking about bioequivalence assessment?Werner WeitschiesInvestigation of mucoadhesive chitosan hydrogels containing tacrolimus as an immunosuppressant for the oral cavityAlexander HoffreiterUsing a DLS method to approximate the dimensions of solid triglyceride nanoparticlesAnas Bagonaid Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Achim Aigner, Dr. Kirk Leech

The talks will be followed by an open discussion with speakers and audience

Animal research vs. replacement: What's next?

Preclinical drug development for neurodegenerative diseases: why do we still need animal models?Franziska Richter AssencioIntroducing the Göttingen MicropigArne HinrichsNavigating the future of drug discovery: Is there still a role for animal research?Kirk Leech
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Hermann WätzigData Formats: Trends and PitfallsKirstin HebenbrockInteractive network medicine for drug repurposing and disease module identificationTim KacprowskiAI - many and very different areas of application in the pharmaceutical sciencesRobert HübnerAI-powered Design Of Liver X Receptor ModulatorsNils Bandomir Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Gerald Reischl, Prof. Dr. Anna JunkerSpecific Imaging of bacterial infection with PET – challenges and opportunitiesAndreas FaustRadiotracer development for alpha-synuclein aggregates in neurodegenerative diseasesAndreas MaurerImproving the Pharmacological Profile with Albumin Binders: PSMA-based Radiohybrid Ligands Labelled with Iodine-123 and Actinium-225 for Targeted Alpha TherapyConstantin MamatEvaluating the cellular binding specificity of a copper-64 labelled antibody transport vehicle enabled TREM2 PET tracer using scRadiotracing in miceRebecca SchaeferDevelopment and clinical experience of [123/131I]IMAZA for theranostics of adrenocortical tumoursAndreas Schirbel
(Atlantic Hotel Münster)
Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, FoyerLecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 2
(Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 1)Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Oliver-Scherf-Clavel, Dr. Gesche FörstBreaking barriers: Microsampling strategies to redefine therapeutic drug monitoringLaura Mercolini
(Lecture hall building/ Hörsaalgebäude, H 1)